missy » 17 мар 2010, 15:23
девочки, мальчики, кто владеет английским - навояла вот такое письмо в ВИСПУ, но пока еще не отправила. Посмотрите пожалуйста, может что убрать или добавить? Или вообще переделать? Хотелось бы узнать общее мнение, прежде чем отправлять. Письмо специально написала с отчаянием, чтобы бить на жалость, если ничего больше не поможет. Я хорошо понимаю, что я всего лишь один человек, но как я уже говорила, с миру по нитке, может быть еще люди последуют моему примеру.
I am writing this on behalf of all animal lovers of Ukraine in desperate hope that somebody can help put a stop to the barbaric treatment of stray animals in this country.
I am absolutely appalled and disgusted with the way stray animals are treated here. Cruel, barbaric methods are used to control stray populations, such as poison and shooting in broad daylight ordered by the Ukrainian authorities. The animals die a slow and very painful death. The poison is so strong, it does not need to be ingested. There have been cases of dogs wearing muzzles who merely sniffed a suspect package containing the poison, and died in agony. Among these animals are pure bread, house pets. Imagine if a child were to pick up such a package and then put their fingers in their mouths! And children often are the ones who find the bodies of poisoned cats and dogs. And there is NO antidote to the poison substance used, at least not in the Ukraine - it is forbidden, illegal. So, anybody who comes in contact with the poison, animal or human, is almost certainly doomed. And this is all happening in our so called civilised society. And the reason this is all happening now? - EURO 2012, which will be hosted by several cities in the Ukraine. Ukraine, unfortunately, is one of the countries, home to thousands of stray animals, NOT a good image for EURO 2012! Our government's solution to the problem? - destroy as many animals as possible as quickly as possible using any means possible, and of course as cheaply as possible. The mayor of the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, has openly stated that strays will be poisoned because the programme of sterilisation doesn't work. The government here is fearless, the authorities know no harm will come to them for ordering these inhumane methods of animal control. "Sterilisation doesn't work" they say - of course not!!! How can it when all the money that is allocated to the programme of sterilisation has gone into the pockets of the so-called responsible high ranking individuals. Sterilisation was left up to the animal protection societies and people who are not indifferent to the plight of stray animals, who donated their own money, time and effort to help make the programme work. But with no financial backing from the authorities it all became that much tougher. This is the sad truth in this country - authorities will always say they have done everything possible and that all allocated funds have gone towards the cause, when all they have done in reality is put all the money in their own pockets and done nothing. We need help from international organisations!!! And we - the animal lovers of Ukraine - desperately hope that somebody somewhere will come to our aid to help put a stop to this cruelty and put some fear into the individuals who think they can get away with illegal murder of stray cats and dogs. Our government is not in the habit of listening to its citizens, maybe they will listen to strong international organisations! This, it seems, is our only hope!
I am well aware that there are animal protection societies in the Ukraine, who are members of WSPA. And they have sent countless letter back and forth, asking for help, but to no avail. I know that all letters sent to WSPA regarding Ukraine get forwarded straight to these Ukrainian organisation. But, please understand, Ukraine is NOT a country that will listen to some animal lovers, as they call us. PLEASE, we need your help - any help we can get! I know - "our government, our problem!" Yes, true but as hard as we try, we get nowhere and this horrible treatment of animals continues, and will continue unless somebody or some organisation that is far more powerful, interferes soon. There are laws in Europe relating to the humane treatment of animals, and they apply to Ukraine. But Ukrainian authorities are not afraid of its people. Action has to be taken from further afield, on an international level.
PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THIS LETTER or simply send it back to Ukraine! If I have sent it to the wrong recipient, please forward it to somebody who can help, outside of Ukraine also. Our animal protection societies have done and are still doing everything they can. And we are very desperate. This is just the beginning of the "clean-up" programme. With spring on our doorstep, we are going to see so much more animal death and suffering. And when children find these bodies (because even playgrounds are littered with bodies and poison) it is all so much more heart-breaking!