adderbaby писал(а):zairiya писал(а):Всё-таки советуют держать курс на протезы. Надеюсь на вашу помощь, давайте все вместе поставим Тимурчика на ноги!
Мы с Настей Stacey сейчас обсуждаем этот вопрос в личке (в смысле, прикидываем, как лучше написать):ab:
вот результат моего творчества, письмо отправила в, пришла отбивка о получении, должны ответить в течение 1 дня рабочего (учитывая разницу во времени). Попросила скидку, надеюсь сжалятся над нами
Dear OrthoPets Team!
We are a small team of Ukrainian volunteers which are trying to make the lives of stray animals a little bit better. As you probably know, the situation with stray dogs and cats in Ukraine is outrageous – they are massively killed by the authorities, especially before Euro-2012 football championship.
Ukrainian volunteers are saving injured animals, massively neutering and finding homes for hundreds of cats and dogs every year with no financing, only by means of people who care. There are several volunteers’ organizations in Ukraine, but most of the volunteers are connected by the Internet Forum of Help to Stray Animals (you may read about our community here
I would like to tell you the story of Timur – he is a 2-3 years old dog which was found bleeding near the railway in one of the Kiev districts on the 8th of June 2012. His front paws were cut off by the train. The dog laid 2 or 3 days without any kind of help. The woman who found him has immediately brought Timur to the veterinary clinic where his wounds were cleaned from the screwworms and treated. Then the team of volunteers had a dispute trying to understand – whether to treat Timur or to euthanize him not to torture, because the injuries were very serious, the treatment and regeneration period would be long and very expensive and the chance to find home for him seemed too vague. But we’ve decided to struggle! Now the surgical operation has been successfully made to Timur’s paws and he’s getting better.
And the only dream of Timur’s “rescue team” is to make him run (at least walk) again!
Please tell us whether it is possible to make two front Carpus Joint Prosthetic Solutions for Timur (like Nakio’s ) and what is the approximate cost needed? Could you also tell us which kind of documents should we provide (medical certificate, roentgenogram)? Timur’s paws are cut until the carpus joints, so the joints are saved.
We would be very thankful if there could be any kind of discount for Timur, because now we are trying to gather the amount needed for the Timur’s regeneration period and will try to get money for the prosthetic devices.