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Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 дек 2009, 20:05
Главный волонтёр :ca: моя Ксенька загнала тему про нас на урока английского, учительница за интересовалась, поручили ей написать реферат о нашей деятельности, плюс согласилась разместить стенд в школе :ab: но это всё надо на английском, который я знаю хуже чем китайский, а по китайски вообще не знаю ни одного слова :ca: Народ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Помогите, реферат нужен завтра на вечер, стенд я потом слеплю сама, только грамотный переводчик нужен.
З.Ы. школа плотно сотрудничает С АНГЛИЙСКИМ И ИСПАНСКИМИ ПОСОЛЬСТВАМИ :ab: а вдруг что то и выгорит :ah:

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 дек 2009, 20:11
Народ, кто говорит , откликнетесь!!!!!!!!
Я только по немецки могу :cm:

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 дек 2009, 20:43
Если б кто на русском склепал, переводчик есть :ad: . Ирчик наша чапа очень сильна в инглыше.

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 дек 2009, 20:54
Фефочки, спасибо :ax: Но я не писатель :ah: Даже не представляю как можно на пару листов красиво описать нашу деятельность :ac:
master_l, возможно в будущем понадобиться и немецкий вариант, обязательно к Вам обращюсь :ax:

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 дек 2009, 21:09
Можно взять что-то из статей о днепропетровской Верности и немного переделать под юа-вет :ah:

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 дек 2009, 00:35
А можно узнать максимально допустимый объем текста?
Если да - то каким размером какого шрифта из расчета на А4 с полями по умолчанию (стандартно установленными в Word)?
И предполагаются ли иллюстрации?
И какой крайний срок с учетом того, что еще надо время на перевод?

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 дек 2009, 00:40
Как вариант на крайний случай вот еще есть у меня с просторов инета такой вот рассказ (плагиат, конечно же, но все же...)

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 дек 2009, 00:56
:ab: Ох, уж эти мне форумчане :ba:
Шехф, у нас усе готово! viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3681 Тут тебе и фото, и описание, и даже на родном украинском текстик наваяли :ad: 12 баллов обеспечено :dp:
alexuaadmin писал(а):ВНИМАНИЕ!!!
Все, кто хочет помочь, могут отписываться в разделе "Вместе мы сможем ВСЕ"
А касаемо текста данного письма в теме "Рассылка"

Текстовая версия письма Украинский вариант (в формате MS Word .doc) доступна по этой ссылке

Текстовая версия письма Английский вариант (в формате MS Word .doc) доступна по этой ссылке
Огромное спасибо eurolarik за прекрасный перевод!

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 дек 2009, 01:11
Красивая реальная зимняя история о двух собаках и путешествиннике:источник: http://www.francistapon.com/Travels/Con ... Trail/Dogs
I’ve finished walking the Continental Divide Trail (CDT) in New Mexico. The trail lives on the extremes:
It’s either incredibly obvious (a dirt road) or completely non-existent!
Its water is also extreme: the water is either perfect (e.g., from a well/windmill) or most foul (e.g., I’ve found water tanks with cow feces floating, fishes swimming, algae growing out of control, and even a decomposing bird).
The weather is also extreme: either very windy or incredibly windy!
I’ve walked across New Mexico in less than a month, been snowed on three times, and now I’m in Colorado.

I’ll share my most memorable story from New Mexico.

A tale of two dogs
After leaving Cuba, New Mexico, I stopped by the Circle A Ranch at 7 a.m. Although the hostel was still not open for season, one of the workers was outside. It had snowed the night before and the entire town was covered in snow.

Snow obscured the trail, so I asked caretaker for directions. After he told me where to go, I set off to climb 1,000 meters to the summit of the San Pedro Mountains (about 10,500 feet). Just as I left him, two dogs started following me. One was dark brown with black hair and looked like a husky Dalmatian (white and black spots).

“Are these two dogs going to follow me?” I asked the caretaker.

“Oh no they won’t,” the caretaker assured me. “They’ll walk with you for a little while, but they’ll eventually turn around when you go too far.”

“You sure?”

“Oh yeah.”

Having seen only day hiker in the last three weeks, I was happy to have company, even if their English was a bit weak. The dogs led the charge through the light snow cover. They relished the walk in the winter wonderland. However, after an hour of walking, they still hadn’t left me and they were as enthusiastic as ever to walk with me to Canada. I yelled, “Allez de nouveau à votre maison!” They didn’t speak French either.

After another hour of hiking and with fresh snow beginning to fall, I had enough. I love dogs and I wish I could take them with me, but I didn’t want the responsibility of caring for them. I turned to them and yelled profanities and screamed, “Go home! Find your own pack! You’re not my posse! You’re fired!!!!”

The verbal abuse seemed to work. Their tails stopped wagging and their ears drooped. I felt terrible being such a brute, but I was worried about the deteriorating conditions and that we were getting too far from their home. The snow levels kept rising as we gained altitude. I was knee-deep in snow in my Inov-8 running shoes and thin liner socks. I was wearing all my clothes: a GoLite Drimove T-shirt and a 3 oz GoLite Ether Wind Jacket. I was carrying a GoLite Chrome Dome umbrella though. All this is not exactly winter gear. I must have looked funny climbing up a mountain in a snowstorm with an umbrella.

This was dangerous enough for me and I didn’t want to endanger the dogs. I left the dogs behind.

I had hiked two hours without the dogs as the snowy blizzard continued. I reached a summit of one of the 10,500 foot San Pedro Mountains. The winds were disagreeable. The visibility was about five meters. I hadn’t seen the trail since I left the Circle A ranch, four hours ago. I was simply slogging through the snow, heading northeast, figuring it would take over the mountain range. Then I turned around and couldn’t believe my eyes.

The same two dogs, that I had last seen two hours before, sheepishly reached the summit. They trudged through the snow and avoided eye contact with me. They had a meek attitude, looked around, and gave me the impression of, “Gee, nice day for hike, no? Hey! Look! It’s that same guy that we were walking with two hours ago! What a coincidence!”

I stared at them, but they didn’t look at me - they knew they were so busted. But what could I do? We were four hours from the Circle A Ranch, I had yet to see the trail, my tracks were getting covered by the continuing snowfall, and I was halfway through the mountain range. Like it or not, the dogs were now my responsibility.

I’m not sure why they had followed me two hours after I had left them. Three possibilities:

1) They were more lost than I was. Although they would pee and leave their marks throughout the walk, I’m not sure if they knew how to get home. They followed me hoping for salvation.

2) They came back to protect me. At the beginning of the hike the dark dog (I called Chocolate) would be in front of me and the white/black one (I called Salt & Pepper) would walk behind me. Sandwiched between them, I felt like they were trying to protect me at times.

3) They were out for a joyride. They had no fear of hypothermia or the dangers of the mountains. They just followed me because it’s more fun than hanging out back at the ranch! “Let’s play in the snow!” they thought. “Woo-hoo! Road trip!”

Whatever their true motivation was, they were my dogs now. I was determined to get them back to their owner safely.

“Are you guys hungry?” I asked the dogs.

They wagged their tails excitedly. Surprisingly, I wasn’t carrying any dog food with me. I threw some trail mix on the snow. They eagerly devoured the nuts and M&Ms.

“Maybe you guys are thru-hikers after all…” I told them.

By now I was clearly the Alpha Male of the pack. The dog I called Chocolate no longer led through the snow. Both dogs followed my deep footprints. At times I would turn around and just see their heads peeking out of the snow. They seemed to be swimming through the accumulating snow.

Salt & Pepper never took the lead; she faithfully followed me. Occasionally Chocolate would boldly lead if he could tell that I was consistently hugging the contour of a mountain on a northeast bearing. But whenever the terrain got tricky, he would get behind me and follow my lead. Twice we encountered bear tracks in the snow and the dogs sniffed and followed them until I yelled, “C’mon you idiots! That bear will kick your ass! Get back here!”

Finally at 3 p.m. the snow stopped falling. However, I had yet to see a sign of the trail thanks to five feet of snow cover. I did find a creek heading north, so we followed it, figuring it should take us down the mountain in the right direction. As the sun set, my goal was to get low enough so that the dogs didn’t have to sleep on snow, which could lead to frostbite on their paws or even death.

At 6 p.m., after nearly 12 hours of stomping through heavy snow, we had descended to 8,000 feet and found a trail sign next to a forest service road! We were saved! I screamed in triumph! I hugged the dogs and they shared my excitement by vigorously rubbing against me and wagging their short tails. They probably didn’t know why I was so happy, but they were just happy that I was so happy.

We hiked a bit more to find a snow free piece of dirt under a tree. “Guys, this will be our home for the night. OK?”

They stared at me, trying to understand me. I set up my 3.5 oz Mountain Laurel Designs tarp that I had brought “just in case it rains” in New Mexico. I never expected it to provide protection against snowfall. Meanwhile, the dogs scouted the campsite area, peeing everywhere to establish their new territory. Once in my sleeping bag, I opened a jar of peanut butter, scooped up a big helping with my finger, and yelled out, “Hey guys! Dinnertime!!!”

They ran over and started licking the peanut butter off my fingers with great gusto. One finger for Chocolate, one for Salt & Pepper. Soon they had consumed over half my jar.

Their thick coats were soaking wet from the snow and their hair fibers were freezing in place as the temps continued to fall. I rubbed them vigorously with my MSR PackTowl and invited them to sleep at my feet under my tarp, but they preferred to rest a few feet from my head.

I wished my loyal companions a goodnight: “It’s going to be a cold night folks! Wake me up if you need anything or get chilly. Keep watch and I’ll see you at sunrise! Tomorrow, you’re going home!”

Soon I heard the dogs snoring.

At sunrise I was relieved to see the dogs still breathing. I got up and they sprang up with an excitement in their eyes that said, “This is fun! Where are going today?!?!”

I checked their paws and they were in good shape, no frostbite. I knelt next to them and put my hands on their heads and said, “Fellas, you’re going home today. We’re taking this forest service road down till we find civilization. Then I’m calling your owners so you can get back home. Sound good?”

They licked their chops.

For their breakfast I threw some Bob’s Red Mill granola on my plastic groundsheet. The dogs preferred eating it off the dirt.

I told them, “You must have been thru-hikers in a previous life…”

The sun finally came out by the time we came to the tiny hamlet called Gallina. I knocked on the door of a mobile home. A robust and kind man named Roberto answered. He let me use this phone and two hours later the Circle A Ranch owner showed up. She was grateful that her pooches had fared well. She said she was going to “kill” the caretaker for telling me that the dogs would only follow me so far.

The dogs resisted getting into the truck. The owner put a muzzle on Chocolate fearing that he would snap when she forced him into the truck. I had to get into the truck to encourage both dogs to get in and stay put.

I hugged and kissed these beloved dogs goodbye. They licked my dirty face. I whispered to them, “Don’t worry, I’ll be back in October.”

I waved goodbye to the truck. The dogs stared at me through the truck’s windows as they drove away.

Their sad eyes communicated everything.

I miss them too.

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 дек 2009, 01:42
Можно еще сделать подборочку из наших счастливых историй с фото до пристройства и после.

Вот и еще одна счастливая история (одна из многих) достойная занять место на школьном стенде, это история собаки по кличке Рокси. И хозяйка англоязычная

До. Вот такой ее нашли : (

После. А такой она стала : )

А это от Лисы – хозяйки Рокси, правда, она теперь Белка, но я не обижаюсь: «There's one of me with Belka which I hope shows that I love her!» («Одна фотография меня с Белкой, которая, я надеюсь, покажет, что я люблю ее!»)

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 дек 2009, 01:58
Интересная детская страничка для изучения английского:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/misc/stor ... sanddogs/1

И еще:


Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 дек 2009, 02:39
И тут Остапа понесло ::co::
Не могу остановиться.
О наших бездомных собаках и ЕВРО 2012 http://rt.com/Top_News/2009-12-02/stray ... tball.html

Stray animals in Ukraine suffer for football dream
permalinke-mail story to a friendprint versionPublished 02 December, 2009, 08:54

Edited 02 December, 2009, 12:46

As Kiev prepares to host the European Football Championship in 2012, animal rights groups claim attempts to beautify the country are coming at the expense of homeless animals.

Yahoo StumbleUpon Google Live Technorati del.icio.us Digg Reddit Mixx Propeller UEFA president Michel Platini was bemused to see people literally barking at him during his visit to Kiev. He was inspecting preparations for the EURO 2012 football championship when animal rights activists held protests over claims of animal cruelty. They say authorities are deliberately killing stray pets in order to clear the streets of EURO 2012 host cities.

Asya Serpinskaya runs a rescue centre for stray animals in the Kiev region. Housing almost a thousand stray cats and dogs, it is the biggest of its kind around the Ukrainian capital. She shows a dog poisoned by strychnine. It was half-dead when she found it in the streets of the Ukrainian capital.

Shelter provides haven for stray animals
Shelter provides haven for stray animals
December 03 at 23:02 | Nataliya Bugayova Home on outskirts of Kyiv could close if donations, funding sources are not found soon.

Stray animals in modern-day Ukraine are, tragically, treated no better than in barbaric medieval times. But at least 1,500 dogs and 200 cats in the Kyiv area have a fighting chance at life – at least for now. But without the continued support of volunteers and donations, these creatures may be homeless again soon.

These animals are now living the Pirogova SOS shelter on the outskirts of Kyiv. It was founded in 1997 on the site of a slaughterhouse for stray animals clubbed or viciously beaten to death there previously.

The SOS shelter started with private funding from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Great Britain. That support continued until last year, when the foreign donors cut their support. Ukrainians have, however, not yet filled the void and the shelter is in a precarious state.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine helped out on Nov. 26 by organizing a volunteer effort called “Who let the dogs out?” It is one of the organization’s corporate social-responsibility events. Members of the business organization brought food, medicine and other necessary items. They helped paint the fences. They played with animals. And they discussed possibilities of assistance.

Tragic history

“It used to be a slaughterhouse. Homeless animals were clubbed here, beaten to death with metal sticks. Some were skinned, while still alive,” said Tamara Tarnavska, the director and founder of the SOS shelter.

In 1996, the then-journalist Tarnavska – together with a German colleague – made a documentary about barbaric executions in Pirogovo. “Can any country in Europe, with such inhumane treatment of animals, be called civilized?” they asked. In 1997, when foreigners in Europe saw how injured, starving stray animals in Ukraine were treated, the response was swift.

“The mayors of Manic and Leipzig stated they would reconsider relations with Kyiv if the inhumane treatment is not stopped,” Tarnarvka said. “We collected 3.5 million letters from Europe, requesting to a shutdown of the slaughterhouse. Many famous people, including [actress] Brigitte Bardot, United Nations officials supported us.”

The Kyiv City Administration finally shut down the slaughterhouse in Pirogovo and gave its premises rent-free to “SOS” for a shelter and veterinary clinic for 49 years. Initial donations came from abroad, including the actress Bardot, but also from Ukrainians such as First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko.

Dire straits

Without any government support, the SOS shelter managed to sterilize and vaccinate more than 15,000 homeless animals in 12 years, which prevented an estimated 700,000 additional stray animals on the streets of Kyiv and regionally.

Today, almost 2,000 SOS animals are taken care of by 10 devoted employees. They are so dedicated that they work to care for thousands of abandoned animals, without so much as the comfort of a toilet.

“We don’t have weekends or holidays,” said Nataliya Mohneva, the center’s administrator. “We work 24/7, all year long.”

The shelter has little heat, few lights and no running water; fuel, water, and electricity are in short supply. The salaries are low. In short, the SOS is on the verge of collapse.

“Our annual budget is $63,000 to survive and we need about $75-$80,000 for a decent existence,” Tarnavska said. “If we had decent financing, we could sterilize most of the dogs on the streets of Kyiv and get rid of the problem in several years. But if there is no problem, not so much funding is required, nothing to steal from the city budget.”

An estimated 15,000 stray dogs are on the streets of Kyiv today; most are harmless, some are diseased and violent. Many animal lovers fear that Ukraine will resort to inhumane methods to eradicate the population.

“I don’t exclude the possibility that such brutal and primitive methods exist, because it’s almost impossible to legally punish somebody for inhumane treatment against animals in Ukraine,” said Olha Drozdova, director of municipal enterprise Dog Shelter in Borodianka.

The SOS shelter has recently made another movie about a slaughterhouse in Luhansk and is ready to present it in Europe. “We had already exhausted all resources in Ukraine to fight the problem of inhuman treatment of stray animals. Nobody reacts. Nobody cares,” Tarnavska said.

Well, not everybody is indifferent. The American Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine volunteers are looking for ways to keep the shelter and its animals alive.

“The American Chamber of Commerce unites the biggest companies and biggest enterprises in Ukraine,” said Oksana Ivanchenko of Microsoft Ukraine. “I hope we can consolidate our resources and help the shelter.”

If shelters like these become fewer in number, the stray animal problem in Kyiv will only grow.

How to help: SOS needs food, medical supplies, disinfectants, detergents, freezers. The shelter is located 10 minutes from the outskirts of Kyiv at Krasnoznamennaya Street, Pirogovo village, Kyiv. Telephone: +38 (050) 447-61-07; +38 (044) 569-33-46. Donations can be made at: account ¹ 26004301242846, Prominvest Bank, Kyiv office. More than anything, these animals need human love – and adoption. Visit SOS and you may find a new member of your family. http://sos-animals.com.ua/index.php

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 дек 2009, 11:11
Наташ, более чем достаточно :ai: Спасибо огромное всем :ax:

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 дек 2009, 12:09
А кто то может мне ещё один номер нашего вестнико подарить :ah:

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 дек 2009, 21:08
Могу предложить отсканированный вариант.

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 21 дек 2009, 10:37
Наташ, в очередной раз :ax: Темку в проделанные

Re: Срочно статейка о юа-вете на английском

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 дек 2009, 01:35
Ссылочка на оригинальный вестник viewtopic.php?f=105&t=6808&start=50